JNF Future Mission to Israel 2024

JNF Future Mission to Israel 2024

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    2024 JNF Future Mission Itinerary


JNF Future is hosting a Mission to Israel this year in 2024! 

The mission start date is Monday, November 18th and the last day is Monday, November 25th

Please note that JNF Future is geared to those between the ages of 22 and 40.   We encourage our community to participate in missions to Israel.  It helps Israel's economy and their people! 

Get ready to get your hands dirty with hands-on volunteering and for you to see Israel through a different lens. 

Please be sure to download the itinerary located at the top of the webpage along with all the necessary forms that will need to be sent back to JNF in order to secure your spot.  Interviews will be conducted once all forms have been received. 

Future Mission to Israel Committee Members:
Kyle Harris, Chair 
Jodi Chait 
Ryan Cronsberry 
Giulia D'Aleandro 
Aliza Fagen 
Esther Lax 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Director of Events and Community Engagement, Mel, at melanie.kushner@jnf.ca or call (416) 638-7200 Ext. 148. 
